• Phone: 592-227-8111
  • 24-Hour Safety Hotline: 592-608-4222
Role and Functions

Corporate Development

Good corporate governance in the public sector agencies has become critical for greater efficiency and effectiveness in the provision of services to enable economic growth and development.

The furtherance of the aviation sector in Guyana in support of existing and emerging industries requires a robust yet user friendly Civil Aviation Authority to regulate and oversee the aviation industry, to provide safe and efficient air navigation services and to ensure Guyana's compliance with the Chicago Convention in International Civil Aviation.

The dynamism and capital intensive nature of the aviation industry, calls for relevance and effectiveness of the civil aviation system, one that is transparent and accountable to its many stakeholders and can with stand scrutiny.


To guide and align the GCAA along the path of a corporate approach, the Corporate Development Unit has been established by the Board of Directors. The Unit comprises corporate planning, research and risk management for the GCAA and will guide, advise and provide services to the various sections in the GCAA to ensure the policies, high level perspectives and requirements are met. This involves leading the annual strategic planning process and guiding other sections in tactical planning ensuring alignment with performance management, project management and management of reporting.

Role and Functions

The Corporate Development Unit shall undertake, direct and oversee the research functions of the Authority to ensure that the objectives are met, monitor and reporting on the performance of the organisation against its strategic objectives and providing recommendations to address deficiencies and variances.

The nature of the aviation industry is one of high risk and low probability. The unit will lead the development and implementation of a risk management programme for the GCAA ensuring alignment with the industry related best practices, fostering a culture of risk awareness across the organisation, collaborate with technical sections to conduct risk assessment, carry out risk analysis and makes recommendations for mitigation and improvement.

The Corporate Development Unit shall also oversee special projects as defined and assigned and ensure effective management.

18 Years of Achievement

We're celebrating 18 years as an independent aviation regulatory authority in Guyana.